Episode 188: How to deal with angry, not nice people…

During the Holiday season, people are dealing with both personal and professional stressors that can impact how they deal with us. Here are some ideas on how to respond to people who are “disputational” ? in other words, who want to dispute everything you say ? and people who just aren’t acting very nice.  Who knows? Today’s PROJECT DISTINCT may make both your business AND your Holidays a little more pleasant and productive!


Check out this episode!

Episode 187: Are you preconceived notions preventing you from creating distinction?

We ALL have preconceived notions ? unfortunately, they’re sometimes incorrect!  How many people consume ONLY the print editions of newspapers?  How many people have ZERO banking accounts?  How many people visit MySpace.com each month?  Things are often not as they seem ? and it may be something that is preventing you from creating personal and professional distinction!


Check out this episode!

Episode 186: When was the last time you changed your mind?

In today’s world, we want leaders and professionals who “know where they’re going” ? who are decisive and have vision. Yet, as rapidly as the world is changing?how can you always make the right choices or head the right direction?  It begs the important question that Scott McKain asks on today’s PROJECT DISTINCT: When was the last time that you changed your mind?  It’s a critical point to consider!


Check out this episode!