Episode 330: Encore Episode – How to tell a distinctive and compelling story: Act Two

Today’s PROJECT DISTINCT continues our examination of how we can tell OUR stories in a dynamic and distinctive manner. Act Two of the compelling business story is known by many names: “raising the stakes,” “confrontation,” or “rising action” ? Scott calls it “our search for resolution.”  No matter how it’s known, having an Act Two that makes  your story more compelling is critical to making it persuasive. 

Episode 329: Encore Episode – How to tell a distinctive and compelling story: Act One

We’ve all heard that “whoever tells the best story?wins!”  Yet few of us have really examined how we can tell OUR stories in a more compelling and distinctive manner.  Today’s PROJECT DISTINCT focuses upon what Scott McKain believes is the most missing element in business storytelling: an Act One that creates tension?and that moves YOUR audience to become emotionally engaged with what happens next.