S2 E255: Encore Episode – Examples of how companies deliver great customer experiences

No employee — or the organization they work for — starts a day thinking, “Another chance to deliver lousy service to our customers!” However, many do. Today’s PROJECT DISTINCT takes a look at several organizations in varied industries and examines the specific steps they take to deliver distinctive service. And, NONE of these are expensive — they’re all steps YOU can take, no matter what you do!

S2 E254: Encore Episode – The sad standard of satisfaction

Why is it that we accept “satisfaction” as success in customer relationships — yet, we find it so average in our personal ones?  In part, Scott McKain suggests on today’s PROJECT DISTINCT, because we are unwilling to drill more deeply into the negative aspects that have eroded our customer’s enthusiasm. We must eliminate the points of friction that prevent our customers from receiving an Ultimate Customer Experience®!

S2 E253: Encore Episode – The importance of customer LTV

After spending thirty nights in a Sydney hotel last year, a loyal customer assumed a problem would be addressed.  He was wrong. Too often we overlook LTV — expressed as either Long-Term Value or Lifetime Value of a customer.  On today’s new PROJECT DISTINCT recorded in Australia, Scott McKain talks about a critical aspect of business success.

S2 E252: Encore Episode – What you’re doing that is driving your customers crazy!

When Indianapolis sports radio celebrity Kent Sterling posted about his horrible experience at a local McDonald’s because of the local managers, it reminded Scott McKain of a recent Forbes.com blog about the “Five Customer Service Practices That Drive Consumers Crazy.” Today’s PROJECT DISTINCT will reveal those five errors so you don’t inadvertently create for your customers a bad experience like McDonald’s did for Sterling!

S2 E251: Encore Episode – Refreshing the customer experience

While a consistent delivery of the customer experience might first be appreciated, over a period of time the sameness will bore and disengage your customers. In today’s Project Distinct, Scott McKain makes the case for refreshing your customer experience — and provides the six questions you need to ask to make it happen.