Episode 292: Encore Episode – How to tell a distinctive and compelling story: Act Two

Today’s PROJECT DISTINCT continues our examination of how we can tell OUR stories in a dynamic and distinctive manner. Act Two of the compelling business story is known by many names: “raising the stakes,” “confrontation,” or “rising action” ? Scott calls it “our search for resolution.”  No matter how it’s known, having an Act Two that makes  your story more compelling is critical to making it persuasive. 

Check out this episode!

Episode 291: Encore Episode – How to tell a distinctive and compelling story: Act One

We’ve all heard that “whoever tells the best story?wins!”  Yet few of us have really examined how we can tell OUR stories in a more compelling and distinctive manner.  Today’s PROJECT DISTINCT focuses upon what Scott McKain believes is the most missing element in business storytelling: an Act One that creates tension?and that moves YOUR audience to become emotionally engaged with what happens next.

Check out this episode!